Projekty a granty

Rozvojové projekty
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Kontakty pro vědu, rozvoj a transfer technologií

Databáze všech projektů a grantů od roku 2010

Plovoucí katalyzátor se synergickou adsorpční funkcí
Id projektu8X17016
Hlavní řešiteldoc. RNDr. Václav Slovák, Ph.D.
Období1/2017 - 12/2018
PoskytovatelRámcové programy EU
AnotaceThe high quality of the research work and results in the different topics may be reached in the cooperation of research groups. Because of high costs of the equipment used, this type of cooperation will be optimal also in the future. The experimental technique and the research experience of research groups are opened to further research groups, and simultaneously our research team obtains a possibility to exploit unique experimental techniques from other workplaces. These facts particular to harness the EPR techniques and electron microscopy, which are extremely costly and complicated not just in terms of instrumentation, but especially in terms of quality and specialization of research teams, which is high for all partners involved. We expect close cooperation in the design of new synthetic targets, a photocatalyst properties and contacts with potential partners in both research and industry. Czech and Serbian partners will focus on the preparation and structural characterization of floating composite photocatalyst, Slovak researchers will be devoted to monitor the photochemical activity of the prepared composite photocatalyst by EPR spectroscopy and TOC analysis. The proposed collaboration in the framework of the Programme for Funding Multilateral Scientific and Technological Cooperation Projects in the Danube Region has potential of further international cooperation in the future. It could be beneficial and profitable for all partners provided that the development of novel floating photocatalyst with synergic adsorption function will be successful. Such product could be employed for remediation of surface waters not only in tropical regions where , e.g., large areas are contaminated by DDT insecticide but also for general water depollution under solar conditions of south and middle Europe. We expect that the cooperation will continue also after termination the project. Participants will try to prepare a common EU project in the topic of photocatalysis.